“Basically, her boyfriend was a deadbeat. “Love is Not Enough was actually inspired by a friend of mine down here in Brazil,” says Mark. One of our favorite pieces he’s written is called Love is Not Enough, and it’s about the way people look at love and relationships as sort of a tool or a problem solution that “conquers all.” Most of us should know better, but our culture tends to nurture this erroneous mindset as a noble cure-all when the truth is that putting all your trust in love can be destructive. Now, Mark’s got a book under his belt - Models: Attract Women Through Honesty - and is prolific enough in his blogging to have gained an impressive following of over two million readers per month. If I stop communicating this way, then people who will read me and support me will actually be the cool, honest, open people who are there for a legitimate reason.” Love is Not Enough Applying that to my business, it was the same thing. I don’t have to communicate this way in my relationships - in fact, if I don’t, what I’ll do is I’ll screen the right people into my life. I don’t have to communicate this way with women.

“It’s ironic that that was a huge realization for me in my personal life with my relationships. “A big change for me in my career,” says Mark, “was coming to the realization that I can still sell my work and make money without having to push it on people - without having to write my marketing a certain way or without having to promise, ‘These three lines will get any girl to call you back.’ There’s a whole population of people out there who don’t respond to that kind of cheesy, forceful, manipulative communication style.” Similarly, we’ve both gone through rebranding after “seeing the light” and striving to understand more about human interaction than the canned lines and manipulation games typical to the PUA genre. Mark Manson’s sordid past ties in with ours at The Art of Charm because, like us, he was immersed in the PUA (pick-up artist) community for some time - and we broke away years ago for similar reasons. Sure, it sounds like we’re going all over the place, but it’ll make sense when you give it a listen. In this episode of The Art of Charm, Mark talks to us about love, friendship, boundaries, relationships, commitments, and even world travel. He’s been asked to speak at a couple of universities and will be speaking to people at the Union Nations later this month. If you ask Mark Manson why we should listen to what he has to say about psychology and personal development, he might jokingly answer: “You shouldn’t.” He has no formal credentials, but two million people read his site each month and his work has been republished in The Huffington Post, TIME Magazine, Quartz, Business Insider, Vox, and others.